Tummies is for dogs who are prone to sickness, gastritis, problems with yeast, loose stools, constipation, or gassy bottoms! This powerful blend of therapeutic herbs can help restore and boost friendly gut bacteria responsible for overall health & wellbeing. It aids the absorbtion of nutrients,reduces stomach discomfort, strenghtens the immune system and detoxifies the digestive tract. It can be used for acute tummy upset, or in dogs with chronic poor digestion to keep their gut healthy, balanced and strong.
Tummies is ideal for taking after a course of antibiotics.
Marshmallow, Fennel & Caraway, Chamomile, Dried Chicory root extract, Barberry Bark, Licorice Root, Thyme, Montmorillonite clay, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Small dogs up to 10kg: 10g (half a scoop)
Medium dogs 10-25kg: 20g (one scoop)
Large dogs over 20kg: an additional half scoop per 10kg
Safety Notice
If your pet is on any long term medication, or suffers from a serious, on-going health issue, please consult you vet before using this product. If any reactions occur, cease use immediatly and consult your vet. Always follow directions for use of each individual product.